Patient Participation Group

The Aims of the Patient Participation Group

  • To offer opinions in a constructive manner and to put forward ideas on behalf of other patients.
  • To improve the provision of health care.
  • To improve communication between surgery, patients and the wider community about matters concerning the surgery and health in general.
  • To provide assistance in development of new services.
  • To encourage a spirit of self help and support amongst patients to improve their health and social care.

We are very proud of our Practice and even though we think that we do a pretty good job most of the time, we are always seeking new ways to improve our service to our patients and are keen to hear your views. Over the last few years patient feedback has been key in helping us decide on changes that we have made and in shaping the future.

We have an active patient participation group (PPG) that is frequently consulted on a wide range of matters relating to the practice. The group meets 3 times a year and works as a link between patients and the practice. We also hold an annual open practice meeting in June to which all patients are welcome.

To complement this and acknowledging that people lead busy lives we are keen to establish a virtual patient participation group (Virtual PPG) representative of our practice population.

If you are interested in sharing your views or providing constructive feedback to the PPG in discussing ways for us to improve our service, or would like to join our virtual group then please email on

Your contact details will be kept safely and securely and will only be used for this purpose and will not be shared with anyone else.

Getting Your View

The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.